Where is India gold reserve kept in which city is this place located

Where is India gold reserve kept in which city is this place located

India’s Gold Reserve: For any country, its gold reserve is an important thing. Gold reserve means gold present in the government or government treasury. This happens to strengthen the country’s currency. It is there to support him. The economic condition of any country can be determined from the gold reserve.

Gold reserves also play a big role in controlling inflation. If we talk about gold reserves, the United States is at number one. So India is at number 9 in this matter. Let us know in which city India’s gold reserve is located.

gold reserve of london india

Gold reserve is used to protect against times of crisis. All the countries of the world are increasing their gold reserves. India currently has a gold reserve of more than 822 tonnes. The gold reserve in India is controlled by the Reserve Bank of India.

The responsibility of its storage also lies with the Reserve Bank of India. But you will be surprised to know that India’s gold reserve is not in India. India’s gold reserve is in England. Which is kept in the Bank of England located in London, the capital of England.

India’s gold reserves are in other countries too

For security reasons, many countries of the world store their gold in other countries. Let us tell you that India’s gold reserve is not only in England. In fact, India has gold reserves in other countries of the world. According to the information, India also has some gold reserves in the Bank of Switzerland. So along with this, earlier India’s gold reserve was in the Bank of Shanghai.

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